QuiverX: October 5th, 2020 Update

Oct 5, 2020



Q4 2020

  • Continue QuiverX Platform website
  • Finalize Licensing and documentation
  • Launch staking with Ferrum, introduce governance via xEarn yield farming protocol
  • Add additional team members
  • xEarn End of year staking

Q2 2021

  • Launch Full version of Website
  • Launch Visa Payment point of sale card
  • QuiverX-eXcel members live call discussing 2021 goals
  • Initial businesses utilizing platform

Q1 2021

  • Launch Beta version of QuiverX Platform
  • Launch MVP app
  • List on Public Exchange
  • Introduce custom wallet
  • Featured in major publications

Q3 2021

• Initiating QuiverX rewards program initiative.

• Governance Farming protocol vote




QuiverX is a crowdfunding investment platform using cryptocurrency to have partial ownership of real world assets, stocks and, digital investments.